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The Atheist in the Trailer Park

Sep 25, 2014

A short episode since I'm running out of storage space this month.  Show notes and contact information can be found here.

Stories include: Kentucky senate candidate has anti-semitic campaign slogan, Hobby Lobby ruled used to justify silence in child labor case, Americans want more religion in their politics, not less,...

Sep 21, 2014

The second news episode will have to wait until Wednesday, I'm afraid.

Show notes and contact info can be found here.


This a bit of tough episode to chew through, I'll be the first to admit, and Doane really hammers away at the fact that there's nothing unique about Jesus' supposed...

Sep 21, 2014

A news episode at last!  I must admit that I got a bit ranty in the beginning of the episode.  You can find links to the news articles along with contact info for the show in the show notes.  Sorry I don't have time to put them here, but I'm tired and need to get this episode posted tonight.  You'll get another episode...

Sep 15, 2014

Think of this episode like unfastening a bra strap:  Tough to do, but the reward is so, so worth it.  Its tough to process everything (and the fact that 19th Century English could be unnecessarily obtuse doesn't help matters), but it lays out the history of when the books of the Old Testament were written, and the...