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The Atheist in the Trailer Park

Sep 28, 2015

Show notes can be found here:


Topics covered include: the Dalai Lama discusses his replacement, Scalia skips Papal address to Congress, Fox commentator calls the Pope a "false prophet," defectors complain that ISIS is "corrupt,"...

Sep 20, 2015

Show notes can be found here:  This is a dense episode, and Doane goes from a comparison of religious beliefs to discussing which day should be considered the Sabbath by Christians.  I've done what I can to make it easier to listen to, but...

Sep 14, 2015

Show notes are here.  Apologies for some of the weird noises in the background, but Fuzznuts found something particularly interesting outside the window and kept pawing frantically trying to get at it.  This is a jam packed news episode with stories on NuJudaism, crane accident leaves 100+ dead in Mecca, more butthurt...

Sep 7, 2015

Show notes can be found here.  I forgot to mention it in the podcast, but I was a guest this past week on the ORly Radio Podcast.


This episode is chapter 35 of Bible Myths, entitled The Trinity.  It, as usual, shows that the concept of 3-in-1 gods isn't at all unique to Christianity.  (Surprise!)  Its a bit longer...