Jun 27, 2016
Show notes will be up tomorrow night. This episode marks the debut of America Darling Curl as a recurring commentator on the podcast. This week, she's wondering why folks are so butthurt over women wanting to hang out together. So glad to have America on the podcast.
In this episode, I talk about a whooole lotta...
Jun 19, 2016
Show notes for the episode can be found here: http://tparkatheist.blogspot.com/2016/06/episode-105-doane-is-done.html
I want to thank everyone who's been listening for the past 2 years, and the podcast will continue with a new book in the upcoming weeks. I also want to thank the Podunk Polymath for providing this...
Jun 13, 2016
Apologies for the short episode, but I really didn't think it would be appropriate for me to put out a normal news show episode in the wake of what happened in Orlando this morning. This episode is just my venting my frustration that nothing is going to be done to prevent these kinds of incidents from happening in...
Jun 6, 2016
No show notes this week. In this episode, TW Doane not only does comparisons between various myths, but also shows how fairy tales spring from the same source as religion. The fairy tale he focuses most closely on is that of Little Red Riding Hood.