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The Atheist in the Trailer Park

Jun 27, 2016

Show notes will be up tomorrow night.  This episode marks the debut of America Darling Curl as a recurring commentator on the podcast.  This week, she's wondering why folks are so butthurt over women wanting to hang out together.  So glad to have America on the podcast.

In this episode, I talk about a whooole lotta stuff.  I give the direction for upcoming episodes, talk about gnosticism, weirdness with the New Testament books, a homophobic knife wielding Israeli being sentenced to life in prison for murder, a French Catholic priest who raped a 70 year old woman, a dagger belonging to King Tut being made out of meteoric iron, an exoplanet that may once have had life on it, anti-Trump movements within the GOP, Tramps Against Trump, and more!