Oct 26, 2014
My apologies for the banging sound in the background, I was doing my laundry while recording the podcast. You get THREE chapters of Bible Myths this week, because I still don't have internet access. Right now, I'm sitting outside the library, trying to upload this. Hopefully, this works, because the transmission rate...
Oct 13, 2014
Apologies for the short episode this week, I'm on some new medication and one of the side-effects is fatigue, so I didn't have the time to prepare for a full episode, as I had to sleep all the damned time. Hopefully, they'll have passed by the next news episode.
News stories include :
7 women burned ALIVE for being...
Oct 7, 2014
Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but editing it was a bitch. Show notes will have to wait until tomorrow, but there's not a huge amount of links associated with this particular episode.