Sep 21, 2014
A news episode at last! I must admit that I got a bit ranty in the beginning of the episode. You can find links to the news articles along with contact info for the show in the show notes. Sorry I don't have time to put them here, but I'm tired and need to get this episode posted tonight. You'll get another episode...
Aug 24, 2014
This episode is a bit of a long one, I'm afraid. It clocks in at an hour and twenty minutes and tells the story of Samson, the strong man, and how he's most likely a sun god from an earlier religious tradition that has been adapted by the writer of the book of Judges to a heroic figure.
This episode also has some...
Aug 10, 2014
This episode covers chapter 7 of TW Doane's Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions, which deals with the 10 Commandments. Its only about 30 minutes worth of material, so the rest of the episode consists of news stories. Think of it as a bonus news episode, rather than being deprived of more of Doane's...